Pesquisa bibliográfica

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Registos: 03 | 00 ms
[114991]  Show Record 

Ancient Indianfables and stories, being a selection from the Panchatantra / Stanley Rice. - London : John Murray, . - v,126 p. ; 16 cm. - Wisdom of the East Series). - Considerado valioso pela Biblioteca
Descritores: Literatura | Fábula | Conto
Cota: V20063|CLP Goa
[115049]  Show Record 

Hindu customs and their origins / Stanley Rice. - London : George Allen & Unwin, . - v, 219 p. ; 22 cm. - Considerado valioso pela Biblioteca
Descritores: Sociologia | Castas | Etnologia | Hinduismo | India antiga
Cota: V5364|CLP Goa
[258517]  Show Record 

Hindu customs and their origins / Stanley Rice. - New Delhi : Daya Publishing House, . - 218 p. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Cultura | Religião | India
Cota: S/cota|Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendr
